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Article: 10 Surprising Facts About Sleep You Probably Didn’t Know

10 faits inusités à propos du sommeil - Maison Paréa

10 Surprising Facts About Sleep You Probably Didn’t Know

We sleep every night, yet sleep remains a fascinating and mysterious process! Here are 10 surprising facts about sleep that might just change the way you think about your nights.

1. We Spend About a Third of Our Lives Sleeping

That’s right! On average, humans spend nearly 33% of their lifetime asleep. It might seem like a lot (especially if you’re a parent and feel like you’re getting far less!), but over a lifetime, it all adds up.

2. Most People Sleep on Their Side

According to a BBC study, 28% of people sleep on their side, compared to 13% who sleep on their back and just 7% who prefer sleeping on their stomach. Side sleeping wins by a landslide!

3. Music Can Help You Sleep Better

No matter your age, listening to music before bed can improve sleep quality, efficiency, and duration. Soft, soothing melodies can signal your brain that it’s time to wind down and relax.

4. Dads Sleep Better Than Moms

A study from McGill University found that the number of children, their age, or even nighttime crying doesn’t significantly affect fathers’ sleep quality—unlike mothers, who tend to have more fragmented sleep.

5. Spain Has a Napping Championship

Yes, you read that right! Spain introduced the National Siesta Championship (Campeonato Nacional de Siesta) in 2010 to promote the tradition of the midday nap. Competitors are judged on how fast they fall asleep and how restful their nap appears.

6. The Magic Nap Times: 2, 90, or 180 Minutes

Naps aren’t just for kids—they benefit adults too! But timing is key.

  • Power naps (20 minutes) give a quick energy boost without grogginess.
  • Longer naps should last 90 or 180 minutes to align with natural sleep cycles and avoid waking up feeling disoriented.

7. We Spend 25% of Our Sleep Time Dreaming

Since we sleep for about a third of our lives, that means we dream for around a quarter of that time! We typically experience between three and six dreams per night, most of which we forget by morning.

8. Blue is the Best Color for Sleep

The color blue has a calming effect, making it an ideal choice for bedrooms. Studies suggest that blue promotes relaxation and helps improve sleep quality compared to other colors.

9. Babies Dream Too

Experts believe that babies start dreaming around four months old, when their sleep cycles begin to develop. Dreaming is thought to play an important role in early cognitive and emotional development.

10. "Sleep Before Midnight Is Best"—Myth or Fact?

It turns out this is a myth! The quality of your sleep isn’t determined by what time you go to bed but rather by your sleep cycles. The body recovers most physically during the first phases of sleep, while the brain restores itself in the later stages—no matter when you fall asleep.

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